Talent Hopefuls!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Looking for a Female Talent for a Music Video Shoot for a rising band
This is a very low budget shoot and that exposure is only what we
can offer (No Talent Fee, Transpo and Food Allowance only) .
We aim to submit the videos to Music Video Channels (Myx etc.)
Female Talent should be:
19-22 years old, fair complexion, long hair, beautiful and pleasant.
previous TV appearance is a plus.
Interested individuals may submit set-cards or photos to email afternoon_ph@ yahoo.com. or you may send a link directing to your photos (facebook etc.) or may leave a message to 09173704829
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Ilocano Voice Over Talent Needed
Those interested should submit their voice over demo for consideration to talent@gmvoices.com ; demos should be only of their voice, do not include music, character sounds or singing in the demo submission.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Brand Media Talent Agency is in search for talents of ALL AGES

We, at Brand Media Experience, Inc., are always on the lookout for aspiring models and actors, of all ages, male and female of infants, toddlers, kids, teens, yuppies,moms and dads, lolo and lola for TV commercials, print ads and billboards, shows and events, films/movies, theater, television series and entertainment. If Interested, send your pictures ( 1 whole body, 1 half body shot, and 2 close-up shots (1 smiling-showing teeth and 1 serious shot) and your personal information as stated below at brandmedia@rocketmail.com.
1. Name
2. Age
3. Birthdate
4. Address
5. Cellphone Number
6. Landline Number
7. Email Address
8. If below 18 years old, send us parents/guardians' contact name and contact number.
Interested Talents must have:
* Complete set of teeth
* No Braces
* No birthmarks or distinguishing marks on the face
Click Map to Enlarge
Campus Little Star Idol 2010
--Open to kids 4-9 years old
--Cute, Smart & Talented
--Presently enrolled in any reputable school (private/public)
Tween Category:
--Open to tweens 10-16 years old
--Eyecatcher, Smart & Talented
--Presently enrolled in any reputable school (private/public)
--Any empty pack of HI-SMART MULTIVITAMINS
with official receipt from leading drugstores (MERCURY & WATSON only)
--Birth Certificate Xerox
--School ID Xerox
--Consent letter from parent/guardian (Tween Category)
--Php300 Registration fee (1 day Ramp Modeling Workshop)--Once passes the audition
Schools (auditionees who wants to join) that was not on our list for audition/screening schedule will be also accepted, depends on the slots availability.
Previous Phil Top Kid Models finalist can also join Campus Lil Star Idol 2010
We will be also accepting babies for our mag soon....
For more information, please text your child's name, age, school, contact number(mobile & landline) & contact person(parent/guardian) at:
Look for Ms Rhoda Mae Robles (EOPA)
OR email us at:
Casting Call for a Short Feature Film
Cosette Cruz:
She is a 16-year old freshman studying at a private school in the urban area. She is also a member of the school soccer team. She aside from sports, she trained herself to become a pseudo-homemaker, cooking dishes, washing clothes, and doing anything that is required by her father and younger brother. She had become the mother figure for the family, after her mother passed away. She is a bubbly girl, and always finds ways to keep herself and the people around her happy.
Bernardo Cruz:
Bernardo Cruz is Cosette's father. He is 42 years old, and due to an accident years ago, he was blinded. He is physically weak, as he always needs a helping hand with normal, day-to-day practices such as preparing coffee and getting things. He is also emotionally fragile, after the death of his wife. Bernardo is close to his daughter most especially because he sees her wife in her, the soccer player he fell in love with during his own college days. He is very supportive of her choices in life.
Allan Alimagno:
Allan is Cosette's soccer coach. He is the typical coach that one would see on TV: he is 35 years old, always wear dry fit sports clothing and a hat, and has a toned body. He makes his team work very hard, pushing them to the limit as much as possible. He plays favoritism among his team players, and in turn ignores Cosette. He believes that although her skill in the sport landed her a spot within the team, she is not at par with the other star players. He has a very short patience and is fickle-minded.
We are also looking for people who are willing to volunteer and be a part of the production: actor extras, set designers, production assistants, musicians, make-up artists, etc.
If interested submit resume or a contact us
09156917085/ gayletagle@ yahoo.com (Gayle Tagle)
09062955770/ janicecutanda@ gmail.com (Janice Cutanda)
09064206184/ ana_bonits@ yahoo.com (Ana Buenviaje)
Please Pass!:)
Deadline for Casting call is on June 28, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The Cost of Being a Talent
Being an on-camera talent or a model can be lucrative. But this is a highly competitive industry, so you may not always get that gig that can support you till your next booking.
So rule number #1 Never Leave your Day Job. Make adjustments, file proper absent or vacation leaves from work. Make sure you keep a monthly salary going.
#2 Have a Fall back. A business you can earn from while you go through all these castings.
#3 Learn to Save. It helps to have money in the bank. Minsan antagal makuha ang TF. If the gig is not "Pay After" you have to wait a week to a few months until a check is released for you. Always follow-up with your Agent why this is happening and when will you receive the TF?
Kung aasa ka sa casting or bookings as your main source of income, you will easily burn yourself out and get frustrated. You have to be realistic about your expectations and learn to save whatever you earn from your bookings and gigs.
So Moms, please don't burn out your kids by making them your sole breadwinners in the family ;) That's too much responsibility at an early age. Bata pa lang, kayod kabayo na, kawawa naman. The child has to have his heart in this, kusa sa kanya at gusto talaga niya maging artista :)
If you snag a Lead Role, you have enough money to sustain you for 6 months at least. But if you keep getting cast as a "backgrounder" or an extra, you have to work harder to keep yourself financially afloat.
So balik tayu sa Cost: How much do I have to shell out as a talent to get my career going?
Umpisa pa lang, keep tabs of your expenses. Things you will regularly spend for are: pamasahe, text/load, clothes, makeovers, setcards (if you are freelance), print-outs & photocopies, etc.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Mossimo Kids, Baby Mossimo Casting Call 2010
“Mossimo Kids, Baby Mossimo Casting Call 2010” is looking for who will be the Next Face Models of Baby Mossimo and Mossimo Kids.
MOSSIMO KIDS is excited to announce also the launch of its Online Casting in partnership with MyFameandFortune.com - a professional modeling/talent site that services the entire Modeling/Talent Industry since 2004.
MOSSIMO KIDS is pleased to invite all Families to enter their Babies (ages three and under) and Kids (ages four to 12) to participate in the MOSSIMO KIDS Online Casting for an opportunity to be the Next Mossimo Kid Face Model 2010 – 2011, who will be featured in all their Store Windows of Mossimo Kids Outlets nationwide.
1.) Open to all interested Models, you can start submitting your application from May 9 until June 15, 2010 deadline.
2.) Via our Online Registration to “ Baby Mossimo, Mossimo Kid Casting Call 2010 “ page at MyFameandFortune http://www.myfameandfortune.com . Just click “Register”, fill up the form and click “Submit”. Then after, “Log-In” and upload your Single Photo entry.
Note: The above registration is open to all interested Talents free of any charges but does not give you a full access to MyFameandFortune but limited only to the casting call.
3.) Or via designated Mossimo Outlets:
Participating Mossimo Stores (14);
Mall of Asia
Sta Rosa
SM Lipa
SM Batangas
SM Cebu
SM Pampanga
SM San LAzaro
Ermita Midtown
SM Annex
Glorietta 4
SM Clark
4.) Model Requirements are for the following Gender/Age Categories. Open to all Aspiring and Professional Models:
* Baby Girls (ages 1 to 5)
* Baby Boys (ages 1 to 5)
* Girls (ages 6 to 12)
* Boys (ages 6 to 12)
5.) The Selection Process will be based upon the following:
* 34% overall appearance of the child as shown in the photo
* 33% overall personality of the child as expressed through photo
* 33% quality of the photo
June 16 - 22
Selection of all Entries for Go-See/Casting
June 23 – 30
Contact/Notify the selected Models for a Go-See/Casting on July 3-4
July 3 & 4
Casting for selected Entries at Festival SuperMall Alabang.
The selected Models will present themselves to the Mossimo Kids Casters on the above scheduled dates.
July 10
Announcement and notification of the Top 20 Models (5 per category) for Final Casting/Photoshoot
*5 Baby Girl
*5 Baby Boy
*5 Girl
*5 Boy
July 17
Final Casting and Photoshoot of Top 20 Models.
The Models will be asked to pose for the actual In-Store Window Poster during the scheduled Photo Shoot.
July 18 - 30
Final judging for top 4 Models.
Selection process for the Mossimo Kid Image Model will done based on the actual photographs by Mossimo Kid Management, Marketing and Brand Manager.
July 31 - Announcement of the 4 Mossimo Kid Models and Installation of In-Store Window Posters in all designated Mossimo Kids outlets.
Professional Models/Talent and/or Modeling/Talent Agencies are welcomed to submit applications but must conform with the final talent fee as stated below.
Four (4) Talents will be selected to be the Mossimo Kid Image Model 2010 – 2011, one for each of the different Categories:
• P5,000 worth of Mossimo Kids Gift Certificate a month for the next Ten (10) months with total value P50,000
• One (1) Year MyFameandFortune Membership
• One (1) Year Model Agency Management Contract
• CD of Professional Photo Shoot and Poster
• One (1) Year Exposure as Image Model for Mossimo Kids Marketing Campaigns and Promtions (without any additional Talent Fee).
Sixteen (16) Final Candidates (four from each of the Categories): Final Candidates not selected as Mossimo Kids Image Model will each receive:
• One (1) Year MyFameandFortune Membership
• CD of the Photo Shoot.
* Mossimo Kid Gift Package
The above notice may have some changes,additions and or adjustments.
All Applications, Entries, Information and Data pertaining to the Baby Mossimo, Mossimo Kid Casting will be hosted at MyFameandFortune http://www.myfameandfortune.com
For inquiries, questions and suggestions, email us at mymossimo@gmail.com
Casting Call for Feature Film: Mrs. Recto
The same team who brought you Ploning, Panoramanila Pictures presents their next film Mrs. Recto under the direction of Dante Nico Garcia and starring Regine Velasquez.
June 18, 2010 (FRIDAY) - 2:00 PM onwards
June 19, 2010 (SATURDAY) - 6:00 PM onwards
June 20, 2010 (SUNDAY) - 6:00 PM onwards
# 195 Aglipay Street, Brgy. Poblacion
Mandaluyong City
(see attached location map or click link here: http://twitpic. com/1xib9o/ full )
MALE, 18 to 25 years old
- knows how to sing and act
FEMALE, 4 to 7 years old
- is fluent in English and Tagalog
- knows how to act
1. From Boni MRT southbound, take a right to Boni Avenue.
2. Go straight and around the rotonda/Mandaluyong City Hall. Turn right at Tapa King.
3. Go straight until you reach Mandaluyong Elementary School.
4. Venue is nearly across the Baliwag stall. The studio is located on the 2nd floor of the building with the Jolour Driving School sign beside an Internet cafe.
See you on said dates!
Thank you very much.
Do I Need to be Living in Manila to become a Model, Actor,Talent?
A resounding YES.
The reasons are logistical, all casting agencies and ad agencies are in Manila. All the industry people are here. There maybe some gigs in the provinces, but most likely these are not big accounts.
If you're living in the island-type provinces (Palawan, Romblon, Iloilo, Cebu) and you're seriously considering an entertainment career consider moving to Manila. Give it a year of endless casting calls to finally see some results. Things don't happen overnight unless you're that lucky bastard with that exceptional talent or beauty. Those living in Luzon are quite lucky. There are talents as far as Ilocos, Baguio and Quezon province who would commute and endure long bus rides just to go to casting calls.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Actors for a Music Video
Genji- Japanese-looking man age 50 sayuri's father. a samurai. gruff looking, has killed many men in the past.
email full body pic with a close up pic at info@tempestfilms. net
Talent for an Instructional Video
25 years old
Pinay looking
Fluent in English
Preferably with hosting (event or shows) experience
Please email profile with picture and link of sample hosting videos (if any) to cvillanoz@yahoo. com
What Happens During Casting?
So what happens after the queue?
If its your first time at a casting call, relax, its fairly easy. Your time at the dentist is far worse.
When the Caster finally calls your name:
1. Your Name-Puhunan mo. They will ask you to stand in front of the camera with a clapper/ID (To identify you when they finally edit the casting tape). They will ask you to state your name, age and other info which could be your vital stats, last TVC project, skills, agency etc.
2. Your Profile The caster will ask you to turn sideways to get a profile shot of you and you will then be ask to face the camera and smile. The purpose of the profile shot is to see if you look pleasant on cam; To see your best side. The camera can definitely change the way someone looks on screen. There are some talents who are surprisingly prettier on cam than in person. After the profile shots are out of the way. They may ask you to act out certain scenarios based on their casting brief.
3. Be Ready to Act. So let loose, this is not a good time to be shy. This is the part where you make it or break it.
The casting director may ask you to say lines from their script and under their direction, they will motivate you to get the scene right. They may even let you try to act it out in different ways. Same lines but with different emotions, inflections and tone. This is just to test your acting range.
They will most likely choose your best bit from the lot.
They may ask you to sing or dance (which would have been stated in the casting call sent to your agent) So be prepared with your music CD and belt out a tune or dance away.
Sometimes it can be as simple as asking you to drink from a glass and pretend how refreshed you feel after drinking this so and so product. From there, they will gauge you based on your facial expressions.
They may ask you to say 'Masarap' or Yummy if its a food product. They may even ask you to look directly ino the camera and talk- convince people to try said product. So be creative if you want to adlib. Always listen to the caster's directions. Some casters bite, so don't piss them off and don't waste their time (hwag kang mag inarte na you can't do this habang nagro-roll ang tape), don't be so sloooow in trying to get a feel of what they want, show them your quick to catch on (listo ka, smart ka, bibo ka), know which is your camera left and camera right- these simple things. Because if you can't follow simple directions and you're difficult to handle, they easily get it that the TVC director will have a hard time with you on set. And every minute in the production set is gold. Parang metro ng taxi yan, may schedule pag grind and the producer can't afford setbacks if she/he wants to stay on budget.
Anyways, GOODLUCK! There's always room for everyone and there's a great variety of roles to fill. Your face may actually represent something- an idea, a character, a philosophy, an agenda that suits a brand.
The Long Line at Casting Calls
Going to castings and trying to break into commercials is not all glam, but surprisingly grunt work.
Assuming you have an agent and they ask you to show up at a casting. The first thing you'll be subjected to is the Queue. Ang mahabang pila sa casting ay mahaba pa sa pila ng MRT Ayala at 6pm. This is the dreaded long line you have to sit through with other people far beautiful, extra talented or simply taller than you. Breathe lang. Because at casting its not always about looks, there is always room for the equally talented with average looks.
Pag may tiyaga, may nilaga. You will have to wait in line sometimes all day to get your VTR done. The VTR only takes a few minutes, so give it your best talaga. Leave a good impression and follow their directions. Be interesting. But NOT over the top UNLESS the casting director asks you to act that way.
My VTR took far longer than most. If the caster wants you to act your ass off! doing scenes, throwing lines, smiling like crazy in front of the cam. Lucky you, it means sulit pagpila mo. You got some extra attention than most. But even that, won't guarantee you anything. It all boils down to if you fit the role and if you embody their brand - if your face, overall look and persona - can get the client to like you.
The client is tops. They have the final say in everything. But not without the influence or recommendation of the casting director or TVC director itself. These key people can influence a client's decision to consider you. Kaya if you are around their presence or within earshot, please behave well. Maging magalang po tayu. Meaning don't throw a fit, don't pull some diva attitude, don't say nasty remarks about other people or talents. Remember such impressions last forever.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Open Call for Lead Role in a Foreign Indie Film
Here's your chance- an open call for the lead role.
A male appearing between 15 and 20 years old.
English and Taglish speaking.
Must not look, dress or act like he is in a boy band.
Must have significant experience with battling boredom.
For more information about the part, please e mail me with a brief description of yourself and your background.
Thanks and good luck!
DLSU Casting Call for Independent Short Film
The film is about a gay stand-up comedian who devotes his life making other people happy through his jokes and antics until he is diagnosed with throat cancer and his life starts to change.
"Sa bawat halakhak, may katumbas na luha."
Celio "Celine" Santos Celine
Celine, 34, is a homosexual stand-up comedian who is diagnosed with throat cancer. He uses a balahura style of comedy during his performances. (The balahura style is vulgar way to get the audience to laugh, whereas the stand-up comedian makes fun of a specific audience/s and a lot of adult humour is also included.) Both his parents are deceased and his older sibling resides in Canada with her family. He idolizes the famous stand-up comedian Vice Ganda. His dream is to perform on the biggest stage in the metro alongside his idol, Vice Ganda.
1.)28-34 y/o (unless capable of playing and looking the part)
2.) Male
3.) Can act and sing
4.) Funny
Stand-up Comedian Friend/s of Celine
1.) 21-50 y/o (unless capable of playing and looking the
2.) Male
3.) Can act and sing
4.) Funny
Shooting will be in July (2nd – 4th week).
If interested please contact us with your name, age and contact number. Please email us the same information with an attached photo of yourself.
Ian – 09178911144
Cholo – 09178146698
Email – iwerepireproductions@yahoo.com
Audition date will be on June 24, 2010
(2:00pm– 8:00pm)
@ 6th Floor Game Room, Echelon Tower Condominium 2100 A. Mabini St., Malate, Manila.
Walk-ins on the said date will be entertained but those with pre-submitted requirements will be given priority.
For other inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you very much.
Casting Call for DLSU Thesis Short Film
A 20-minute feature film by Communication Arts students from DLSU-Manila
Interested applicants must e-mail their photos (headshot, half- and full-body shots) and contact details to dedoscaras@gmail.com on or before June 15.
We are also in need of volunteers who are willing to be film extras, production assistants, scorers, set designers, make-up artists, hairstylists, cinematographers, etc.
Contact us!
Ken - 09178632955;
Yang - 09062146288; or
Steph - 09153188109
Welcome to Casting Calls Manila!
Lakasan lang po ng loob!
I will be posting casting calls and auditions in Manila, Philippines. All useful info on getting started as a talent for TVCs, Print, Billboards, Events and Films.