Talent Hopefuls!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Casting Call for Independent Feature Film

An indie feature film project is casting for the following roles:

Emil | 13-15 years old; with DOLE permit; Can ACT very well and do dramatic scenes. Expressive eyes. Moreno.

Kargador/ Father role | 45-50 years old; Has acting experience; Rugged, masa look; Good physical condition, well-built;

Mother/ Labandera | 45-50 years old; Has acting experience; Soft-spoken, patient and caring vibe.

Mayen role | 18-22 year-old actress who can pass off as a teenager (looks younger). Physically, the role calls for someone who looks like a waif, flat-chested/small bustline or has a ballerina's physique. Has acting skills, morena or a really darked-skinned Filipina.

Jess role | 18-22 year-old actor who can pass off as a teenager. Moreno. Has acting skills.

Kuya Lito | 18-23 year-old actor. Well-built, matipuno, moreno. Has a kind face, can act conflicted and struggle with internal demons.

Kuya Kenji | 22-27 year-old actor. Well-built, matipuno, moreno. Good physique; expressive eyes, can express a range of emotions without any dialogue.

Gina role | 18-23 year-old actress. Can act and take direction well. Morena or darked-skinned Filipina.

Luanne | 18-23 year-old actress. Atribida, mataray, very confident; morena or a really darked-skinned Filipina. Daring and sexy;

All roles require Moreno, dark-skinned look or Filipino-Malay features.

If you fit the casting description above, please send your photo or set-card at

If we think you fit the part physically, we will invite you to the casting date and location via email. Thank you very much

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